Does the new X Fighter go smoother then the other boards?

xwing board

wing surfingMassimiliano Spolverini enjoying his new 6’4” X-FIGHTER

“Max, how did you feel surfing on your new X-Fighter?”

Max: “Before testing it I couldn’t believe I could be able to catch some waves with a 110 Liters board. I am generally accostumed to surf with 27 to 34 liters and the difference is huge. But after rideing it I completely changed my idea. IT WAS REALLY FUN! You can catch every king of waves (I think for barrels I would need the Halcon Milenario model because the X Fighter it’s too fat for those kind of waves) and you can paddle on it really fast. Actually it is impossible to sit on it like a normal surf but I tried it in “SUP mode” and it was awesome.”

Waiting for some wavesPhoto by SURFtoLIVE

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